
Crypto regulation
Visit the new website of the Regulation of Crypto-Finance research project that I lead and join our new online Crypto Law Seminar. My crypto Twitter alt account: @0xMikolaj. Interpreting EU MiCA Work in progress:
Technology law and policy
The current regulatory climate for digital technology is moving in the direction of increased regulation, but many of the far-reaching proposals for change have significant flaws. Those flaws often result from technologists misunderstanding how the law works and from lawyers and policy analysts not understanding technology.
Much of my current research—especially within the legal technology theme—involves coding (computer programming). Over the past two years I’ve been developing an innovative approach to studying how United Kingdom law works in practice with the help of software I code specifically for my research (see the legal technology theme).
Technology in law and legal research
Computational legal research, teaching tech skills to lawyers.
Public law
UK and EU constitutional and administrative law.
Legal philosophy
General jurisprudence and constitutional theory.