Crypto-Asset Market Abuse Under EU MiCA
co-authored with André de Gândara Gomes The new EU Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (‘MiCA’) emphasizes the prevention of market abuse as one of its five main objectives. This paper critically analyzes MiCA’s provisions on market abuse (Title VI), applying the new rules to the primary categories of crypto-asset market integrity risks to provide a coherent interpretation.
Interpreting the EU Digital Markets Act consistently with the EU Charter’s rights to privacy and protection of personal data
Depending on implementation details, the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) may have negative consequences regarding information privacy and security. The DMA’s interoperability mandates are a chief example of this problem. Some of the DMA’s provisions that pose risks to privacy and to the protection of personal data are accompanied either by no explicit safeguards or by insufficient safeguards.
Key Legal Issues of the EU’s New U.S. Data Protection Adequacy Decision
Since the Schrems II decision of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU), lawfulness of transfers of personal data from the EU to the U.S. has been in a precarious position. Aiming to address this situation, the U.
Privacy and Security Implications of Regulation of Digital Services in the EU and in the US
The goal of this project is to assess the data privacy and security implications of the ‘new wave’ of legislation on digital services—both in the US and in the EU. In the EU, the proposals for the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act include provisions that have potentially significant security and privacy implications, like interoperability obligations for online platforms or provisions for data access for researchers.
Gender and seniority of counsel before the UK’s highest court
Published by the Counsel (March 2022): online version. Covered in Jonathan Ames and Catherine Baksi, ‘Karen Monaghan, QC, attacks gender bias in Supreme Court’ The Times (London, 24 October 2019)